Lara Rubbelke

Interviews: Lara Rubbelke, Astute Networks

We Are Liberal Arts: Lara Rubbelke

Big Data with Microsoft's Lara Rubbelke

TechNet VC 2016 Day 1 Lara Rubbelke on the Value and Evolution of Data

AzureCon 2015 Q&A with Lara Rubbelke

Execute Jars and Python scripts on Azure Databricks using Data Factory | Azure Friday

Azure SQL Database: Multi-model features | Azure Friday

Azure Data Factory visual tools now integrated with GitHub | Azure Friday

HDInsight: Fast Interactive Queries with Hive on LLAP | Azure Friday

ACR Build: Automate Docker builds with OS and framework patching | Azure Friday

Azure SQL Database: Non-blocking transactions | Azure Friday

Azure SQL Database: A developer's best friend | Azure Friday

Quickly build data integration pipelines using templates in Azure Data Factory | Azure Friday

Azure SQL Database: Columnstore indexes | Azure Friday

Azure Front Door Service (Preview) | Azure Friday

Code-free data transformation at scale using Azure Data Factory | Azure Friday

Azure SQL Database: An introduction to temporal tables | Azure Friday

An overview of Azure Data Explorer (ADX) | Azure Friday

Azure Stream Analytics: Managing timelines and coding on IoT Edge | Azure Friday

Full-stack end-to-end monitoring with Azure Monitor | Azure Friday

Siphon on HDInsight Kafka | Azure Friday

Faster, more accessible edge HPC with Avere vFXT for Azure | Azure Friday

Rerun activities inside your Azure Data Factory pipelines | Azure Friday

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 overview | Azure Friday